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Hi Everyone, We've had our eyes on the Lyra 8 for about 2 years now but haven't been able to find the funds to buy them for our library. So, I thought it might be cool to try to launch a fundraiser.

If we can raise ~$1,000 we can buy 1. If we raise ~ $2,000, we can buy 2.

Wanna help? Donate on our Venmo and put "Lyra 8" in the comments:


Check out this rad video of Dr. Meaker making a drum and bass track with Midi and a Neutron.

If this inspires you or sparks some ideas on how you'd use this to express your own creativity... come borrow a Neutron from MusicLandria FOR FREE.


Hi all, Good news. We recently got a Jerrold B. Whitney/Clayton Pinkerton Fund Grant. With it, we were able to buy a bunch of rad instrument building books for our fixer builder club. Now our reference material is double what it was last year. Check out the new books we were able to get below. Keep your eyes on our event calendar for new fixer builder clubs (coming soon).


address: 808 o street, Sacramento ca 95814. hours: Thursday - Sunday 1pm-6pm

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